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All Eyes On You


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In 2013 we revealed that the cost of keeping England clean was the best part of £1bn a year. This is the cost to local authorities and land managers of keeping our streets clean and litter-free, and a significant proportion of this bill is down to litter. For the past 13 years, on behalf of Defra, we have been surveying the country's streets to produce the Local Environmental Quality Survey of England (LEQSE) and this data enables us to see the trends and changes in the places litter is found and the types of litter that predominate on our streets. For the first time this year, the way the data is collected for the survey has been changed so that it can be linked with other national data sets. This means that we can look at the links between litter and deprivation, and litter and crime. The 2013/14 How Clean is England? report shows, for the first time, that those who live in more deprived areas are 10 times more likely to live in a place that has an unacceptable level of litter and dog fouling on the ground. The report also shows that areas that suffer from more litter, fly-posting and graffiti are also likely to have higher levels of crime.
机译:2013年,我们发现保持英格兰清洁的成本是每年10亿英镑的最大部分。这是地方当局和土地管理人员保持街道清洁无垃圾的代价,而这项法案的很大一部分要归因于垃圾。在过去的13年中,我们代表Defra对该国的街道进行了调查,以编制《英格兰地方环境质量调查》(LEQSE),该数据使我们能够了解垃圾产地和类型的趋势和变化。在我们的街道上占主导地位的垃圾。今年首次改变了调查数据的收集方式,以便可以将其与其他国家数据集联系起来。这意味着我们可以研究垃圾与剥夺,垃圾与犯罪之间的联系。 2013/14英格兰有多干净?报告首次显示,生活在较贫困地区的人生活在地面上乱扔垃圾和狗污垢程度不可接受的地方的可能性是普通人的十倍。该报告还显示,乱丢垃圾,张贴传单和乱涂乱画的地区犯罪率也可能更高。



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