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Heng and temporality of Dao: Laozi and Heidegger


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In this paper, I shall do a comparative study of the understanding of temporalityrnin Laozi ~::j~ and Heidegger. First of all, I shall start from a newlyrndiscovered fact that in the book of the La0~', the word "hen~' 'I_~, a keyrnword in understanding Laozi s concept of temporality of dao J~_, was missingrndu,rin.~ the past 2000 years. In most editions of the text, a synonym,rn"chan~d '~, was substituted, which may refer to a totally different understandingrnof the temporality of dao. Second, based on an etymological studyrnof the origins of the Chinese word "'hen~' and its philosophical use in thernLa0~', I shall claim that heng explores the temporality of Laozi's dao as hengrnda0. Unlike chang, which asks more for constant extension, and invariablernand non-changeable movement, heng in Laozi's heng dao focuses more onrn"living longer" ~E of the myriad creatures, and on the concept of "neverrndying" )]-q~]~ ofdao as the natural force of giving birth. Third, in light of thisrnunderstanding of Laozi's heng dao and comparison with Heidegger's preliminaryrnthinking of temporality of Dasein as anticipatory resolute "beingtowards-rndeath" in Being and Time, I would like to argue that Laozi's philosophyrnof dao is grounded on "coming-from-birth. " Thus, it is life-orientedrnrather than death-oriented. Because of this, I propose that Laozi's beng daornas temporality of dao implies the concepts of "other-ness" and of "yielding,"
机译:在本文中,我将对老子〜:: j〜和海德格尔对时间性的理解进行比较研究。首先,我将从一个新发现的事实开始:在“ La0〜”书中,“ hen〜” I_〜这个词,是理解老子的道J〜_的时间性概念的关键词,在过去的2000年中,在文本的大多数版本中,都使用了“ chan”作为同义词,这可能表示对dao的时空性的完全不同的理解。其次,基于词源学研究,汉字“ hen〜”的起源及其在rnLa0〜中的哲学用法,我认为heng是在探索老子的道作为hengrnda0的时间性。 ,以及不变和不可改变的运动,老子的横道中的横队更加关注无数生物的“寿命更长”〜E,并关注“永不死”)]-q〜]〜ofdao作为生育自然力的概念。第三,鉴于对老子的“横道”的这种理解,以及与海德格尔对“本命”在“存在与时间”中预期的坚决的“走向死亡”的暂时性的初步思考的比较,我想说老子的哲学道是基于“从……而来”。出生。 “因此,它是面向生命的,而不是面向死亡的。因此,我建议老子的道道的暂时性暗示着“其他”和“屈服”的概念,


  • 来源
    《Dao》 |2001年第1期|p.55-71|共17页
  • 作者

    Qingjie (James) Wang;

  • 作者单位

    Department of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, China;

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