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Maj Bylocks Drakskeppstrilogi: analogi och kulturm?ten




In my thesis “It could just as well have happened today”: Maj Bylock's Drakskeppstrilogi and historical consciousness in ten- to twelve-year-olds, I provide a textual, thematic analysis of the three novels from 1997–1998. Further, in an empirical study I have documented the reading of Bylock's fictitious, historical trilogy about the Viking era as done by 11-year-old children, whose thematic work and development of a historical consciousness also have been part of the study. This article deals only with the textual analysis aspect, which purpose is to show what in the texts might produce a historical consciousness in children as well as how the characters are portrayed in order for children to identify with them. Two functions of the novels are studied: knowledge and analogy. The focus is on the main character Petite/?sa and her development with a view to gender, ethnicity and class as seen from an intersectional perspective. I use postcolonial concepts such as diaspora and hybrid identity in order to describe cultural encounters brought on by migration. I portray female characters gaining a higher level of empowerment, a term used by Joanne Brown and Nancy St. Clair. Bylock claims that she is reflecting the present in her historical texts and that this is more straightforwardly achieved when the events are set several hundred years ago. As a result irrelevant details can be removed and the focus be placed on timeless, human phenomena, for instance cultural encounters. In the light of the above and ideas about how best to describe cultural encounters I analyse the cultural contexts in which the main character finds herself focusing on her transition from a girl into a woman and her quest for a multicultural identity. I elaborate on the concepts mentioned in the previous by describing two cultural encounters which provide an analogy with the present.
机译:在我的论文“今天也可能发生”中:Maj Bylock的Drakskeppstrilogi和十到十二岁的历史意识,我对1997-1998年间的三部长篇小说进行了主题分析。此外,在一项实证研究中,我记录了读拜洛克关于维京时代的虚构历史三部曲的过程,该三部曲是由11岁儿童完成的,他们的主题工作和发展历史意识也是该研究的一部分。本文仅涉及文本分析方面,目的是显示文本中的哪些内容可能对儿童产生历史意识,以及如何刻画人物,以便儿童与他们识别。研究了小说的两个功能:知识和类比。从交往的角度来看,重点是小人物/?sa及其主要角色的性别,种族和阶级发展。我使用散居和混合身份等后殖民概念来描述移民带来的文化相遇。我描绘了获得更高授权的女性角色,乔安妮·布朗(Joanne Brown)和南希·圣克莱尔(Nancy St. Clair)使用了这个术语。 Bylock声称她正在其历史著作中反映当前的情况,并且在几百年前发生这些事件时可以更直接地实现这一点。结果,可以删除无关的细节,并将重点放在永恒的人为现象上,例如文化相遇。根据以上内容以及有关如何最好地描述文化遭遇的想法,我分析了主人公发现自己侧重于从女孩到女人的过渡以及对多元文化身份的追求的文化背景。我通过描述两次与当下的类比的文化遭遇来详细阐述前面提到的概念。



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