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Job burnout and coping strategies among extension officers in North west province, South Africa




A simple random sampling technique was used to select 40 extension officers to examine the incidence of job burnout and coping strategies in North West Province, South Africa. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire and analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and multiple regression analysis. The results show that?majority of the extension officers were male (52.5%) with the mean age of 42.5 years, married (72.5%) and 82.5% were Christians. Eighty-five percent of the extension officer had Diploma as their educational qualification and a mean of 14 years as working experience. The result revealed that extension officers experiences 29 out of the listed 44 job burnout symptoms, which include cynicismegativism (1.87) agitation (1.85) accident proneness (1.75) and loss of patience (1.72). The most prominent coping strategies as indicated by extension officers were maintaining an active personal social life outside of work (2.50), maintaining healthy relationship with co-workers (2.47), development of structural and personal support system (2.45) and maintaining healthy relationship with superior officers (2.47). Significant determinants of job burnout were gender (t = 2.46),?educational level (t = -3.02), studying for higher degree (t = -2.30) and number of farmers covered (t = -2.20). The study recommends that extension officers should be exposed to training and techniques to cope with job burnout.
机译:一个简单的随机抽样技术被用来选择40名扩展人员,以检查南非西北省的工作倦怠和应对策略的发生率。使用结构化问卷收集数据,并使用频率计数,百分比和多元回归分析进行分析。结果表明,推广人员中绝大多数为男性(52.5%),平均年龄为42.5岁,已婚者(72.5%)和82.5%为基督徒。百分之八十五的推广人员具有文凭作为他们的教育资格,平均有14年的工作经验。结果表明,扩展官员经历了列出的44种工作倦怠症状中的29种,包括犬儒主义/消极情绪(1.87)躁动(1.85)事故倾向(1.75)和耐心丧失(1.72)。推广人员指出的最突出的应对策略是在工作外维持积极的个人社交生活(2.50),与同事保持健康的关系(2.47),建立结构和个人支持系统(2.45)以及与员工保持健康的关系上级军官(2.47)。职业倦怠的重要决定因素是性别(t = 2.46),受教育程度(t = -3.02),学习程度更高(t = -2.30)和覆盖的农民人数(t = -2.20)。研究建议,推广人员应接受培训和技巧以应对工作倦怠。



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