首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Impact of trona-aided boiling on the phytochemical constituents and beneficial micronutrients of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.)

Impact of trona-aided boiling on the phytochemical constituents and beneficial micronutrients of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.)

机译:天然碱辅助煮沸对利马豆(Phaseolus lunatus L.)植物化学成分和有益微量营养素的影响



The influence of boiling lima bean, using trona solution, on its phytochemical constituents and selected micronutrients was investigated. Lima bean was initially boiled for 3 h using 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5% trona solution, respectively at ratio 1:5 (bean/trona solution). The boiled lima bean was subsequently dried in an oven at 55°C for 12 h after which it was subjected to various analyses. Maximum reduction of phytochemicals such as trypsin inhibitor activity (74.1%), haemagglutinin (98%), tannin (68.6%), phytic acid (39.6%), and cyanogenic glycoside (73.8%) was obtained at 0.5% boiling with trona-solution. The reduction profile for the B-vitamins includes thiamine (0.58 to 0.13 mg/100 g), riboflavin (0.37 to 0.21 mg/100 g), niacin (0.97 to 0.28 mg/100 g) and pyridoxine (0.41 to 0.11 mg/100 g). Boiling lima bean in trona solution led to significant decrease (p<0.05) in the concentration of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus while mineral concentration enhancement was observed with potassium, sodium and iron. Maximum in vitro protein and starch digestibilities of 88.6% and 51.9 mg/g, respectively were obtained for 0.5% trona solution boiling of lima bean. Trona usage in the boiling of lima bean therefore served as a beneficial step in the utilization of the legume.
机译:研究了使用天然碱溶液煮沸的利马豆对其植物化学成分和选定的微量营养素的影响。首先分别使用0.1%,0.2%,0.3%,0.4%和0.5%的天然碱溶液以1:5的比例(豆/天然碱溶液)将利马豆煮沸3小时。随后将煮沸的利马豆在55°C的烤箱中干燥12小时,然后对其进行各种分析。在使用天然碱溶液煮沸后,在0.5%的沸腾下,最大程度降低了植物化学物质的含量,例如胰蛋白酶抑制剂的活性(74.1%),血凝素(98%),单宁(68.6%),植酸(39.6%)和氰基糖苷(73.8%)。 。 B-维生素的还原特性包括硫胺素(0.58至0.13 mg / 100 g),核黄素(0.37至0.21 mg / 100 g),烟酸(0.97至0.28 mg / 100 g)和吡ido醇(0.41至0.11 mg / 100) G)。在天然碱溶液中煮沸的利马豆导致钙,镁和磷的浓度显着降低(p <0.05),而钾,钠和铁的矿物质浓度则提高。利马豆的0.5%天然碱溶液煮沸时,最大体外蛋白质和淀粉消化率分别为88.6%和51.9 mg / g。因此,利马豆沸腾中使用的金枪鱼是豆类利用中的有益步骤。



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