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Dietary values of wild and semi-wild edible plants in Southern Ethiopia




Ethnobotanical studies have shown that many wild plant species are sporadically consumed alongside regular food sources in developing countries. Many plants of wild and semi-wild origin are consumed in the remote parts of southern Ethiopia. Dietetic values of Ethiopia’s non-crop food plants, though important in prevention of malnutrition and contribution to food security, remains shrouded for lack of chemical information. The chemical composition of popularly used wild edibles in Hamar and Konso (Xonso) of southern Ethiopia was examined. The most preferred 15 semi-wild and wild edible plants were selected using a mix of standard ethnobotanical field methods. Edible parts of target plants were collected with local participants, lyophilized and analyzed for proximate composition, amino acids, minerals and anti-nutritional factors. The wild edibles constituted good amounts of nutrients essential in human diet. Green leafy vegetables (GLVs) gave 1.5-5.8% ether extractives and total mineral composition of 12.5%-25.6%; Ca being highest (1100 - 3419 mg %) and exceptionally high for Justicia ladanoides (6177 mg %). Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn ranged from 11.7-23.14, 175-2049, 3.4-9.9 and 1.2-3.3 mg %, respectively. All GLVs contained ≥20% protein, highest in Coccinia grandis (36.3%). The latter species and Trigonella foenum-graecum yielded high lysine level. Anti-nutrients of concern include phenolics (158-1564 mg %) and tannins (448-2254 mg %) in GLVs and phenolics (1997mg %) and tannins (6314 mg %) in Ximenia caffra fruits. Total oxalates in mg % were high in Amaranthus graecizans (14067), Celosia argentea (12706) and Portulaca quadrifida (10162). Bulk consumption of monotype edible plant part in one meal may lead to nutritional and health impairment. However, traditional processing methods lower most of the anti-nutritionals and their respective risks. New food composition tables that integrate indigenous knowledge and nutritional content of the semi-wild and wild edibles are recommended. Wild edibles can be considered to improve livelihood security and reduce malnutrition in tune with the Millennium Development Goals aimed at reducing poverty and hunger.
机译:人类植物学研究表明,在发展中国家,许多野生植物物种是与常规食物一起偶尔食用的。埃塞俄比亚南部的偏远地区食用了许多野生和半野生植物。埃塞俄比亚非作物食用植物的饮食价值,尽管在预防营养不良和对粮食安全的贡献方面很重要,但由于缺乏化学信息而仍然受到困扰。检查了埃塞俄比亚南部哈马尔和孔索(Xonso)广泛使用的野生食用化学成分。使用标准的民族植物学领域方法的混合,选择了最优选的15种半野生和野生食用植物。与当地参与者一起收集目标植物的可食部分,冻干并分析其附近的成分,氨基酸,矿物质和抗营养因子。野生食品构成人类饮食中必不可少的营养素。绿叶蔬菜(GLVs)得到1.5-5.8%的醚提取物,总矿物质成分为12.5%-25.6%; Ca最高(1100-3419 mg%),而拉斯蒂尼西亚(6177 mg%)的钙含量异常高。 Fe,Mg,Mn和Zn的范围分别为11.7-23.14、175-2049、3.4-9.9和1.2-3.3 mg%。所有GLV均包含≥20%的蛋白质,在大球藻中最高(36.3%)。后一种和禾本科Trigonella foenum-graecum的赖氨酸水平较高。令人关注的抗营养素包括GLVs中的酚类(158-1564 mg%)和丹宁(448-2254 mg%),以及Ximenia caffra果实中的酚类(1997mg%)和丹宁(6314 mg%)。草mar(14067),鸡冠油(Celosia argentea)(12706)和四齿马齿ula(Portulaca quadrifida)(10162)中的草酸总含量以mg%计。一餐大量食用单一类型的食用植物部分可能会导致营养和健康受损。但是,传统的加工方法降低了大多数抗营养素及其各自的风险。建议使用新的食物成分表,该表整合了本地知识和半野生和野生食品的营养成分。与旨在减少贫困和饥饿的千年发展目标相一致,可以考虑使用野生食用来改善生计安全并减少营养不良。



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