首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Tobacco Retail Outlets and Vulnerable Populations in Ontario, Canada

Tobacco Retail Outlets and Vulnerable Populations in Ontario, Canada




Interest has been increasing in regulating the location and number of tobacco vendors as part of a comprehensive tobacco control program. The objective of this paper is to examine the distribution of tobacco outlets in a large jurisdiction, to assess: (1) whether tobacco outlets are more likely to be located in vulnerable areas; and (2) what proportion of tobacco outlets are located close to schools. Retail locations across the Province of Ontario from Ministry of Health Promotion data were linked to 2006 Census data at the neighbourhood level. There was one tobacco retail outlet for every 1,000 people over age 15 in Ontario. Density of outlets varied by public health unit, and was associated with the number of smokers. Tobacco outlets were more likely to be located in areas that had high neighbourhood deprivation, in both rural and urban areas. Outlets were less likely to be located in areas with high immigrant populations in urban areas, with the reverse being true for rural areas. Overall, 65% of tobacco retailers were located within 500 m of a school. The sale of tobacco products is ubiquitous, however, neighbourhoods with lower socio-economic status are more likely to have easier availability of tobacco products and most retailers are located within walking distance of a school. The results suggest the importance of policies to regulate the location of tobacco retail outlets.
机译:作为全面烟草控制计划的一部分,对调节烟草供应商的位置和数量的兴趣日益浓厚。本文的目的是在一个较大的管辖区中检查烟草出口的分布,以评估:(1)烟草出口是否更可能位于脆弱地区; (2)有多少比例的烟草店位于学校附近。根据卫生促进部的数据,安大略省的零售地点与社区一级的2006年人口普查数据相关联。安大略省每千名15岁以上的人有一个烟草零售商店。商店的密度因公共卫生部门而异,并且与吸烟者的数量有关。在农村和城市地区,烟草销售点更可能位于邻里匮乏的地区。网点不太可能位于城市地区移民人口众多的地区,而农村地区则相反。总体而言,65%的烟草零售商位于一所学校500 m以内。烟草产品的销售无处不在,但是,社会经济地位较低的社区更容易获得烟草产品,大多数零售商都位于学校的步行范围内。结果表明,规范烟草零售网点位置的政策的重要性。



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