首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >Moderator Effects of Gender in the Job Insecurity—Career Engagement Relationship: A Nigerian Study

Moderator Effects of Gender in the Job Insecurity—Career Engagement Relationship: A Nigerian Study




The study explores the moderating effects of gender on the job insecurity – career engagement relationship. Thesurvey involved 223 Nigerian bank employees who gave their personal consent to take part in the research.Results of the hierarchical regression analysis revealed that a significant negative relationship exists betweenperceived job insecurity and career engagement (b= -.67, p < .001). The moderator effects of gender on thenegative relationship between perceived job insecurity and career engagement was significant (b= .20, p < .001).The negative relationship was found to be stronger for men than for women at any particular level of jobinsecurity. In contrast to expectation, women reported significantly higher levels of career engagement than theirmale colleagues. The study finding underscores the need for intervention and provides a framework for furtherstudies.
机译:该研究探讨了性别对工作不安全感(职业参与关系)的调节作用。该调查涉及223名尼日利亚银行雇员,他们均表示同意参加该研究。分层回归分析的结果显示,感知到的工作不安全感与职业参与之间存在显着的负相关关系(b = -.67,p <.001)。性别对工作不安全感和职业参与之间负相关关系的调节作用是显着的(b = .20,p <.001)。在任何特定的工作不安全水平下,男性的负面关系要强于女性。与预期相反,女性报告的职业参与程度明显高于男性同事。研究发现强调了干预的必要性,并提供了进一步研究的框架。



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