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Syntactic Control of Interference and Concurrent Separation Logic




At last year?s MFPS conference we introduced a revised version of Concurrent Separation Logic in which assertions are tagged with a “rely set” of variables assumed to be unmodified by other processes. We showed that this logic is compositional and sound with respect to an action trace semantics. The revision was motivated by a subtle issue concerning soundness of the original version of the logic, discovered by Ian Wehrman and Josh Berdine. The revised logic fixes this problem and also relaxes the Owicki-Gries constraints on variables, allowing shared variables to be protected by multiple resources rather than a single one, but requiring that a process writing to a shared variable must acquire all resources that protect it, while a process reading a shared variable need only acquire one such resource. This generalization brings concurrent separation logic closer in spirit to permission-based logics, although our formulation makes no explicit mention of permissions. At the same conference, Uday Reddy introduced a concurrent separation logic with static permissions for variables, generalizing John Reynolds?s ideas on syntactic control of interference to a concurrent setting. Here we show that there is an extremely close relationship between these two logics. Essentially, every provable assertion in Reddy?s logic corresponds to a provable assertion in CSL with the same semantic content; and every provable assertion in CSL corresponds to a multitude of assertions in Reddy?s logic, differing only in the choice of specific permission values. We show that every derivation in Reddy?s logic can be transformed into a derivation in CSL, by abstracting away from permission details while retaining the relevant information about protection of variables by resources. And we show how to construct, for a given CSL derivation, a family of corresponding derivations in Reddy?s logic that differ only in inessential permission choices. These results also imply that one can establish soundness of Reddy?s logic by appealing to soundness of CSL, leading to a simpler soundness proof than the one given in Reddy?s original paper, which used an augmented form of action trace semantics.
机译:在去年的MFPS会议上,我们介绍了并发分离逻辑的修订版,在该版本中,断言被标记为“可靠地”设置的变量,这些变量被假定未被其他过程修改。我们证明了这种逻辑相对于动作跟踪语义是组合的和合理的。此次修订的动机是由伊恩·韦尔曼(Ian Wehrman)和乔什·伯丁(Josh Berdine)发现的有关逻辑原始版本合理性的一个微妙问题引起的。修改后的逻辑解决了这个问题,还放宽了Owicki-Gries对变量的限制,允许共享变量由多个资源(而不是单个资源)保护,但要求写入共享变量的进程必须获取所有保护它的资源,而读取共享变量的进程仅需要获取一个这样的资源。这种概括使并发分离逻辑在本质上更接近于基于权限的逻辑,尽管我们的表述没有明确提及权限。在同一次会议上,Uday Reddy引入了对变量具有静态权限的并发分离逻辑,概括了John Reynolds关于对并发设置的干扰的句法控制的思想。在这里,我们证明了这两种逻辑之间有着极其密切的关系。本质上,Reddy逻辑中的每个可证明断言都对应于CSL中具有相同语义内容的可证明断言。 CSL中的每个可证明断言都对应Reddy逻辑中的多个断言,仅在选择特定权限值方面有所不同。我们展示了Reddy逻辑中的每个派生都可以通过从许可细节中抽象出来,同时保留有关资源保护变量的相关信息,而转换为CSL中的派生。并且我们展示了如何为给定的CSL派生构造Reddy逻辑中的一个对应派生系列,这些派生仅在非必要权限选择上有所不同。这些结果还暗示,可以通过呼吁CSL的健全性来建立Reddy逻辑的健全性,从而比Reddy的原始论文(使用动作跟踪语义的增强形式)给出的证据更简单。



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