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The gendered division of housework and fertility intention in Turkey




Abstract It is increasingly acknowledged that an equal sharing of domestic labour in a household influences women’s childbearing behavior in a positive way. Despite the growing literature on this association, there is little research exploring this phenomenon in the Middle Eastern setting. Using intensive interviews with women ( n =?32), I examine how the division of domestic labour is connected to women’s intention to continue childbearing in Turkey, an understudied region. The study finds that husbands’ housework share is positively related to women’s fertility intention for an additional child in Turkey. The gender revolution framework offers an explanation for fertility and gender relationship in Turkey; however, the fact that only a small number of sampled women enjoyed domestic equality and greater desire to continue childbearing suggests that the gender revolution is just evolving in this environment.
机译:摘要人们越来越认识到,家庭中平均分担家务劳动会以积极的方式影响妇女的生育行为。尽管有关这种关联的文献越来越多,但在中东环境中很少有研究探索这种现象的研究。通过对妇女的密集访谈(n = 32),我研究了家务劳动的分工与土耳其在一个被研究不足的地区继续生育的意图之间的联系。研究发现,丈夫的家务劳动份额与妇女在土耳其生育另一个孩子的生育意愿成正比。性别革命框架为土耳其的生育力和性别关系提供了解释;但是,只有少数被抽样的妇女享有家庭平等,并且渴望继续生育的事实表明,性别革命只是在这种环境中不断发展。



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