首页> 外文期刊>Fisioterapia em Movimento >Exame clínico objetivo estruturado no ensino da fisioterapia: revis?o sistemáticaExamen clínico objetivo estructurado en la ense?anza de la fisioterapia: revisión sistemática

Exame clínico objetivo estruturado no ensino da fisioterapia: revis?o sistemáticaExamen clínico objetivo estructurado en la ense?anza de la fisioterapia: revisión sistemática




Introduction: Problems related to the clinical abilities of physiotherapy students are not always identified throughout the educational process and might only be observed when these future professionals have to treat patients. The Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) includes a problematization approach and can be used in Health Sciences teaching to help this identification before internship practices. However, there are few studies on its use in Physiotherapy. Objective: To gather evidence of the OSCE use to evaluate clinical abilities in Physiotherapy teaching. Method: Articles published from 2000 to 2016 were surveyed in the Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) (Virtual Health Library), Centro Latino-Americano e do Caribe de Informa??o em Ciências da Saúde (BIREME) (Latin-American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information Center), PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science, using the descriptors “educational assessment”, “assessment methods”, “objective structured clinical examination”, “clinical competence”, “professional competence”, “clinical skills”, “student competence”, “student skills”, “physiotherapy” and the Booleans “OR” and “AND”. Results: The initial number of identified publications was 3,242. From these, seven were included in this review. Two studies were developed in Brazil, four in Australia and one in Canada. The studies were scored 7 to 12 regarding methodologic quality, and 1B and 2B regarding scientific evidence. Conclusion: Students’ clinical abilities were grouped into three classes: cognitive, psychomotor and affective, and four studies described their use. There is very little evidence of the use of OSCE, but the instrument can be applied to evaluate skills and competences in Physiotherapy teaching.
机译:简介:与理疗学生的临床能力有关的问题并不总是在整个教育过程中就被发现,只有在这些未来的专业人员必须对患者进行治疗时才能观察到。客观结构化临床考试(OSCE)包括问题化方法,可以在健康科学教学中使用,以帮助实习之前进行此识别。但是,关于其在物理治疗中的用途的研究很少。目的:收集在物理疗法教学中使用OSCE评估临床能力的证据。方法:从2000年至2016年发表的文章在“虚拟图书馆”(BVS)(虚拟健康图书馆),“拉丁美洲裔美国人信息中心”(BIREME)中进行了调查(拉丁美洲和加勒比)卫生科学信息中心),PubMed,Scielo和Web of Science,使用“教育评估”,“评估方法”,“客观结构化临床检查”,“临床能力”,“专业能力”,“临床技能”,“学生能力”,“学生技能”,“理疗”以及布尔值“ OR”和“ AND”。结果:识别出的出版物的初始数量为3,242。从这些中,有七个被纳入了本评价。巴西进行了两项研究,澳大利亚进行了四项研究,加拿大进行了一项研究。研究的方法学质量得分为7至12,科学证据的得分为1B和2B。结论:将学生的临床能力分为三类:认知,心理运动和情感,并进行了四项研究。很少有使用OSCE的证据,但是该仪器可用于评估物理治疗教学中的技能和能力。



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