首页> 外文期刊>Frontiers in Microbiology >A Chitosan Coating Containing Essential Oil from Origanum vulgare L. to Control Postharvest Mold Infections and Keep the Quality of Cherry Tomato Fruit

A Chitosan Coating Containing Essential Oil from Origanum vulgare L. to Control Postharvest Mold Infections and Keep the Quality of Cherry Tomato Fruit

机译:普通牛至 L。精油的壳聚糖涂层,可控制采后霉菌感染并保持樱桃番茄果实的品质



The efficacy of an edible chitosan coating (CHI; 4 mg/mL) and Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OVEO; 1.25 μL/mL) for maintaining the quality of cherry tomato fruit during storage at room (25°C; 12 days) and cold (12°C; 24 days) temperatures was assessed. CHI and OVEO in combination showed in vitro fungicidal effects against R. stolonifer and Aspergillus niger . CHI-OVEO coating reduced the incidence of black mold and soft rot caused by these fungi in artificially contaminated cherry tomato fruit during storage at both temperatures. CHI-OVEO coating delayed the appearance of the first visible signs of black mold and soft rot in artificially contaminated cherry tomato fruit stored at room temperature by 6 days and by more than 9 days in those stored at cold temperature. At the end of storage at room and cold temperature fruit coated with CHI-OVEO showed higher firmness (>2 N/mm) and lower weight loss (>2%) compared to uncoated tomato fruit. CHI-OVEO coating delayed the decrease of lycopene, ascorbic citric acid, glucose and fructose during the storage time assessed at room or cold temperatures. The increase of catechin, myricetin, caffeic and syringic acids was higher (1–9 mg/g) in cherry tomato fruit coated with CHI-OVEO compared to uncoated fruit during the storage at both temperatures studied. CHI-OVEO coating is a feasible treatment for maintaining the storage quality of cherry tomato fruit.
机译:食用壳聚糖涂层(CHI; 4 mg / mL)和牛至精油(OVEO; 1.25μL/ mL)在室温下(25°C; 12天)保存期间保持樱桃番茄果实品质的功效并评估了寒冷(12°C; 24天)温度。 CHI和OVEO的结合表现出对stolonifer和黑曲霉的体外杀菌作用。 CHI-OVEO涂层减少了在两种温度下储存期间人工污染的樱桃番茄果实中由这些真菌引起的黑霉和软腐的发生。 CHI-OVEO涂层将受人工污染的樱桃番茄果实在室温下储存的黑色霉菌和软腐的第一个可见迹象的出现延迟了6天,而在低温下储存的果实延迟了9天以上。与未涂层的番茄果实相比,在室温和低温下储存结束时,涂有CHI-OVEO的果实显示出较高的硬度(> 2 N / mm)和较低的失重(> 2%)。 CHI-OVEO涂层延迟了在室温或低温下评估的储存时间内番茄红素,抗坏血柠檬酸,葡萄糖和果糖的减少。在两个温度下的储存过程中,涂有CHI-OVEO的樱桃番茄果实中的儿茶素,杨梅素,咖啡因和丁香酸的增加量高于未涂果,增加了1–9 mg / g。 CHI-OVEO涂层是维持樱桃番茄果实贮藏品质的可行方法。



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