首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, D >Study of center and chiral symmetry realization in thermal N=1 super Yang-Mills theory using the gradient flow

Study of center and chiral symmetry realization in thermal N=1 super Yang-Mills theory using the gradient flow

机译:使用梯度流研究热N = 1超级杨米尔理论中中心和手性对称性的实现



The realization of center and chiral symmetries in N = 1 super Yang-Mills theory (SYM) is investigated on a four-dimensional Euclidean lattice by means of Monte?Carlo methods. At zero temperature this theory is expected to confine external fundamental charges and to have a nonvanishing gaugino condensate, which breaks the nonanomalous Z 2 N c chiral symmetry. In this work we find, for the first time, a nonvanishing condensate at zero temperature and zero gaugino mass with Wilson fermions. This is achieved by means of the renormalization properties of the Yang-Mills and fermion gradient flows, which are independent of the lattice regularization. At finite temperatures, we find that the phase transitions corresponding to deconfinement and chiral restoration occur at roughly the same critical temperature for SU(2) gauge group, implying the saturation of the bound T chiral c ≤ T dec c , recently obtained through anomaly matching. We furthermore discuss the agreement of our findings with conjectures from superstring theory.
机译:利用蒙特卡洛方法研究了N = 1超级杨米尔斯理论(SYM)中的中心对称性和手性对称性。在零温度下,该理论有望限制外部基本电荷,并具有无消失的高庚基冷凝物,这会打破非异常的Z 2 N c手性对称性。在这项工作中,我们首次发现在零温度和零高棉质量的情况下,威尔逊费米子不产生冷凝水。这是通过独立于晶格正则化的Yang-Mills和费米子梯度流的重归一化特性实现的。在有限的温度下,我们发现对应于脱约束和手性还原的相变发生在SU(2)规组的临界温度大致相同的情况下,这意味着最近通过异常匹配获得的结合的T手性c≤T dec c饱和。我们进一步讨论了我们的发现与超弦理论的猜想的一致性。



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