首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Toxicology >A Fatal Case Of Methomyl Poisoning Leading To Fulminant Hepatic Failure

A Fatal Case Of Methomyl Poisoning Leading To Fulminant Hepatic Failure




Methomyl is highly toxic carbamate poison which can cause muscarinic, nicotinic and central nervous system side-effects. It has also been associated with acute pancreatitis, as well as hepatic and renal dysfunction. Here we attempt to describe a case of 24-year-old male with suicidal ingestion of methomyl poisoning who developed fulminant hepatic failure in the absence of any evidence for acute viral or ischemic hepatitis, which later proved to be fatal. To-date this is the first reported case of methomyl associated fulminant hepatotoxicity. However further studies are warranted to closely study the association of liver failure with methomyl toxicity. Case Report A 25 year old married male was presented in the emergency room in an unconscious state. The family gives a history that the patient was completely with no documented past medical history, when he was seen to drink a half a cup full of whitish powder mixed with juice and about 30 minutes later started to complain of abdominal pain, became drowsy and then unresponsive. He was brought to the emergency room within about 30 minutes of becoming unconscious. His Glasgow coma scale (GCS) of 4/15 on presentation with constricted pupils with normal pulse and blood pressure while examination for other systemic signs was negative. He was immediately intubated and shifted to intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation with 70% FiO2. The same night the family brought the near empty wrapper of the powder sache and it was found to be a locally manufactured carbamate poison with 90% methomyl inside. The patient’s toxicology screen was negative for ethanol, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, cocaine metabolites, cannabinoids, opiates and amphetamine like compounds. He had metabolic acidosis with pH of 7.25 and bicarbonate of 17 which was treated with bicarbonate infusion. The facility for serum levels for methomyl were not available but as per the witnessed history and partially emptied wrapper of the sache of poison was confirmed to be Methomyl. The patient was started on 2 mg atropine every 15-20 minutes and received about 62 mg of atropine which was titrated to achieve atropinization while keeping in mind pulmonary secretions and by the second day the patient was opening eyes spontaneously and alert, oriented to person but difficult to arouse. He did not require any ionotropic support nor had any hypotension spells and his ECG remained normal. He was not put on any antibiotics. His chest x-ray showed no abnormality and CT brain was normal (see figure 1A).



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