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Evaluation of Aerobic Capacity and Energy Expenditure in Folk Dancers




Purpose. The aim of the study was to evaluate the aerobic capacity and energy expenditure of folk dancers. Methods. The aerobic capacity (VO2max) of four male and four female folk dancers was measured by an incremental treadmill test and energy expenditure was assessed by the linear relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake as based on indirect calorimetry. Results. The dancers presented good aerobic capacity (VO2max), with men achieving values of 51.8 ± 7.39 ml ? kg-1 and women 43.43 ± 3.81 ml ? kg-1. Steady-state heart rate during folk dancing was 167.8 ± 16.68 b ? min-1 (85.0% ± 8.68% HRmax) for men and 178.3 ± 5.62 b ? min-1 (91.0% ± 3.83% HRmax) for women, with energy expenditure at 14.54 ± 2.09 kcal · min-1 and 10.08 ± 2.03 kcal · min-1, respectively. Conclusions. The exercise intensity performed during folk dancing is close to the threshold of decompensated metabolic acidosis. Folk dancing can be quantified as a difficult (for men) and very difficult (for women) form of physical activity; dancers should be physically well-prepared for the high exercise intensity present in folk dancing.
机译:目的。研究的目的是评估民间舞蹈的有氧能力和能量消耗。方法。通过增量跑步机测试测量了四名男性和四名女性民间舞蹈者的有氧能力(VO2max),并基于间接量热法通过心率和摄氧量之间的线性关系评估了能量消耗。结果。舞者表现出良好的有氧运动能力(最大摄氧量),男性达到51.8±7.39毫升。 kg-1和女性43.43±3.81 ml?公斤-1。民间舞蹈中的稳态心率是167.8±16.68 b? min-1(男性为85.0%±8.68%HRmax)和178.3±5.62 b?女性的min-1(91.0%±3.83%HRmax),能量消耗分别为14.54±2.09 kcal·min-1和10.08±2.03 kcal·min-1。结论。在民间舞蹈中进行的运动强度接近失代偿性代谢性酸中毒的阈值。民间舞蹈可以量化为身体活动的一种困难(男性)和非常困难的形式(女性)。舞者应做好身体准备,以应付民间舞蹈中的高运动强度。



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