首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies >The flood recession period in Western Amazonia and its variability during the 1985–2015 period

The flood recession period in Western Amazonia and its variability during the 1985–2015 period




Highlights ? The low-water period persists longer nowadays along the Amazon River. ? But the flood recession period finishes more abruptly than in the eighties. ? Inversions in direction of stage change are frequent and may be severe. ? These hydrological variations are related to rainfall variability. ? They may affect recessional agriculture. Abstract Study region The upper Amazon River, where the water level measured at the Tamshiyacu station (Peru) shows seasonal variability of seven meters. Study focus Key parameters for the flood recession period (beginning, end and duration of the low-water period, velocity of water falling and rising, and inversions in the direction of stage change known as “repiquete” events) are analyzed for the period 1985–2015, along with their relationship to rainfall integrated in the upper Amazon basin at Tamshiyacu. New hydrological insights The low-water period lasts about four months, beginning, on average, at the end of July and ending in early November. Since the late 1990s, the low-water period has tended to end later, last longer and the flood recession ends more abruptly than it used to. This may be related to the increased frequency of dry days during the austral winter in the central and southern part of the basin and to increased and more intense rainfall in late spring (November–December). Repiquete events are frequent, 8 each year on average, and sometimes very acute: 18 events with a water-level reversal greater than one meter were registered during the 1985–2015 period. They are related to unusual, intense and extended rainfall during the week preceding the repiquete. Extensions of this preliminary work are suggested, as well as possible implications for recessional agriculture.
机译:强调 ?如今,亚马逊河沿岸的枯水期持续时间更长。 ?但是洪水衰退期比八十年代突然结束。 ?阶段改变方向的反转经常发生并且可能很严重。 ?这些水文变化与降雨变化有关。 ?它们可能会影响经济衰退的农业。摘要研究区域亚马逊河上游,在Tamshiyacu站(秘鲁)测得的水位显示季节性变化为七米。研究重点分析了1985年期间洪水衰退期的关键参数(低水期的开始,结束和持续时间,水位下降和升高的速度以及阶段变化方向的反转(称为“抑制”事件))。 –2015年,以及它们与Tamshiyacu亚马逊上流域的降雨关系。新的水文见解枯水期持续大约四个月,平均从7月底开始,到11月初结束。自1990年代后期以来,低水时期往往趋于结束,持续时间更长,洪水衰退的结束比以往更加突然。这可能与流域中部和南部的南半球冬季干旱天数增加,以及春季末期(11月至12月)降雨增加且强度更大有关。续签事件频繁发生,平均每年8次,有时甚至很严重:在1985-2015年期间记录了18次水位反转大于1米的事件。在重新粉饰之前的一周,它们与异常,强烈和延长的降雨有关。建议扩展此初步工作,以及对衰退农业的潜在影响。



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