首页> 外文期刊>Journal of KONBiN >The Concept of a Method Improving the Process of Aeronautical Geospatial Data Creation

The Concept of a Method Improving the Process of Aeronautical Geospatial Data Creation




This article is a continuation of the Authorsa?? study on the ways to ensure the quality and safety of aeronautical data and information. This time, however, the legal requirements for aeronautical data and information were briefly described and then the concept of purpose and scope of Shewhart control chartsa?? implementation, presented in [2], was broadened and it was proposed to refer the calculated upper (GLK) and lower (DLK) control limits to the requirements set out in the legal specification including in particular the accuracy values out of the Harmonised List from the Eurocontrol Specification [13]. In order to illustrate the proposed modification, an example of such a card for the measured aeronautical obstacles was presented, considering two cases: that these obstacles are located in Area 3 and in Area 2. Analysed issues will be the subject of Authorsa?? further study.



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