首页> 外文期刊>BMC Health Services Research >Availability, accessibility, and quality of adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in urban health facilities of Rwanda: a survey among social and healthcare providers

Availability, accessibility, and quality of adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services in urban health facilities of Rwanda: a survey among social and healthcare providers




BACKGROUND:Adolescents are still getting pregnant and contracting Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) in Rwanda as elsewhere. Quality and comprehensive SRH services and information for adolescents is valuable for adolescents' wellbeing. This study aimed at understanding SRH services providers' viewpoints on accessibility, availability, and quality of SRH services provided to adolescents in selected cities of Rwanda.METHOD:The study was a descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted between May 2018 and May 2019 in six selected cities of Rwanda using a mixed-methods approach. A checklist was used to collect data from 159 conveniently selected SRH services providers. The survey tool was validated. SPSS version 20 was used to describe quantitative data and ATLAS TI version 5.2 was used to code and analyze the qualitative data thematically.RESULTS:Qualitatively, health care providers reported that the availability of adolescent SRHS are satisfactory with access to accurate SRH information, contraceptive methods, prevention and management of STIs and HIV services, and counselling. However, the accessibility of some services remains limited. According to respondents, some products such as female condoms are less in demand and often expire before they can be distributed. One nurse clarified that they render services at a low price if an adolescent has insurance medical coverture. Religious leaders and family members may hinder adolescents from health-seeking behavior by promoting abstinence and discouraging use of protective means. Quantitatively, we found that 94.3% of health facilities provide information to adolescents on SRH services that were available and 51.6% affirmed delivering services at a low cost. Only 57.2% of respondents mentioned that adolescents are involved in designing the feedback mechanisms at their facilities.CONCLUSION:SRH services in Rwanda are available for the general population and are not specifically designed for adolescents. These SRH services seem to be fairly accessible to adolescents with insufficient quality as adolescents themselves do not get to be fully involved in service provision among other aspects of quality SRH as stated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, there is a need to improve the present quality of these services to meet adolescents' needs in an urban setting.
机译:背景:青少年仍然怀孕并在卢旺达孕妇免疫缺陷病毒(艾滋病毒)和其他地方的性传播感染(STIS)。青少年的质量和全面的SRH服务和青少年的信息对青少年的幸福具有重要价值。本研究旨在了解SRH服务提供商对卢旺达所选城市的青少年提供的SRH服务的可访问性,可用性和质量的观点:该研究是2018年5月至2019年5月在六个选定的描述性横断面调查卢旺达城市使用混合方法方法。清单用于收集159个方便选择的SRH服务提供商的数据。调查工具已验证。 SPSS版本20用于描述定量数据,ATLAS TI版本5.2用于主题地编写和分析定性数据。结果:定性,医疗保健提供者报告说,青少年SRH的可用性令人满意,可以获得准确的SRH信息,避孕方法令人满意STI和艾滋病毒服务的预防和管理,以及咨询。但是,某些服务的可访问性仍然有限。根据受访者,一些产品,如女性安全套的需求较少,并且在分布之前往往过期。一名护士澄清说,如果青少年有保险医疗保险,他们将以低价格渲染服务。宗教领袖和家庭成员可以通过促进禁欲和劝阻保护手段来阻碍青少年寻求健康行为。定量地,我们发现94.3%的卫生设施为可用的SRH服务的青少年提供信息,51.6%确认以低成本提供服务。只有57.2%的受访者提到了青少年参与设计他们的设施的反馈机制。结论:卢旺达的SRH服务可用于一般人群,并没有专门为青少年设计。这些SRH服务似乎对青少年具有不足的质量,因为世界卫生组织(世卫组织)所述,青少年本身不会完全参与Quality SRH的其他方面。因此,需要提高这些服务的现状,以满足城市环境中的青少年的需求。



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