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A Chat Room Like No Other


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I amlearning how to smile again. I've also been working hard at scowling, frowning, and rolling my eyes dis-missively. And I'm getting better and better at it―revealing my true emotions. In the real world it all comes quite naturally, without thought. But in the world I've traveled to, I have to think about my emotions in order to show them. I'm practicing with an electronic version of me―my avatar, to use the lingo―that lives in a new online virtual world. It's called There (go to There.com for a quick look). There is a testing ground for one of today's most interesting experiments in communication, one that harks back to where we were just a little more than 100 years ago, when a technology first appeared that convincingly fooled our eyes into seeing the illusion of motion in a series of still images. We are exploring a comparable threshold point in our perceptual systems today―only this time, the illusion at stake is that of emotion. At There we can build online representatives of ourselves, then meet other online versions of other people in the same virtual space and―this is the magic―express a wide range of human feeling, from anger to love, from boredom to sarcasm.



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