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Integrating rural development and biodiversity conservation in Central Romania


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Unlike most parts of the European Union (EU), Southern Transylvania (Central Romania) is characterized by an exceptionally high level of farmland biodiversity. This results from traditional small-scale farming methods that have maintained extensive areas of high nature value farmland. Following the post-socialist transition, Southern Transylvania faces serious challenges such as under-employment and rural population decline, which put traditional farming at risk. With Romania's accession to the EU in 2007, Southern Transylvania became part of a complex multi-level governance system that in principle provides mechanisms to balance biodiversity conservation and rural development. To this end, the most important instruments are the 'Natura 2000' network of protected areas and EU rural development policy. Structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with town hall representatives from 30 villages in Southern Transylvania and local EU experts revealed that EU policies are often poorly aligned with local conditions. To date, the implementation of EU rural development policy is strongly focused on economic development, with biodiversity conservation being of little concern. Moreover, relevant EU funding opportunities are poorly communicated. Bridging organizations should be strengthened to foster the implementation of a rural development strategy that integrates local needs and biodiversity conservation.
机译:与欧盟大多数地区不同,特兰西瓦尼亚南部(罗马尼亚中部)的特点是农田生物多样性极高。这是由传统的小规模耕作方法造成的,这些方法维护了广阔的高自然价值农田。在后社会主义过渡之后,特兰西瓦尼亚南部面临严峻的挑战,例如就业不足和农村人口减少,这使传统农业处于危险之中。随着罗马尼亚于2007年加入欧盟,特兰西瓦尼亚南部成为复杂的多层治理体系的一部分,该体系原则上提供了平衡生物多样性保护与农村发展的机制。为此,最重要的工具是“ Natura 2000”保护区网络和欧盟农村发展政策。与特兰西瓦尼亚南部30个村庄的市政厅代表和欧盟当地专家进行的结构化问卷调查和半结构化访谈显示,欧盟政策通常与当地条件不一致。迄今为止,欧盟农村发展政策的实施主要集中于经济发展,而对生物多样性保护的关注却很少。此外,有关欧盟资金的机会交流不畅。应加强桥接组织,以促进实施结合当地需求和生物多样性保护的农村发展战略。



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