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Blame Them: Who and What Got Us into this Financial Mess


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After a year of epic financial crisis, 2009 will - if all goes well - be a time for digging ourselves out of the mess and figuring out how to prevent a repeat. Before we can do that, we have to have some idea of what went wrong. Fox's "far-from-exhaustive list" of the current top eight, "in descending order of culpability": (1) Good Times: the U.S. hadn't been through a serious panic in the memory of most everyone on Wall Street and in government; we began to behave as if one couldn't happen, and were told it couldn't; "blithe behavior begat trouble"; (2) Alan Greenspan: the Fed must do more to deflate bubbles that inevitably precede panics; Fed policy over the past quarter-century has been asymmetrical: it bailed institutions out of trouble, but did far less to restrain them during fulsome times; (3) Twisted Regulation: new institutions have been allowed to grow with little oversight; (4) Wall Street: its leaders did "an atrocious job - rewarding the foolhardy, steering capital to the least productive uses, and running away from responsibility for their errors";rn(5) The Homeownership Obsession: the decades-long, bipartisan government effort to encourage home-ownership (generally a good thing) tragically overshot the mark by turning a blind eye to crazy lending practices; (6) Too Much Money: the flip side of trade deficits was gigantic capital flows into the U.S.: the capital gusher form China inflated the real estate bubble;rn(7) The Myth of the Rational Market: "for decades, the accepted academic response to concerns that the economy might be on an unsustainable trajectory was that markets knew best";rn(8) You and Me: millions of us came to believe we could take on debts we couldn't repay, a misconception fostered by lenders and politicians.
机译:在经历了一年的史诗般的金融危机之后,如果一切顺利,2009年将是一个摆脱困境,弄清楚如何防止重蹈覆辙的时候。在我们能够做到这一点之前,我们必须对发生问题的地方有所了解。福克斯(Fox)在目前排名前八的“穷尽清单”中,“按可责程度从高到低排列”:(1)美好时光:在华尔街和大多数人的记忆中,美国并未经历过严重的恐慌。政府;我们开始表现得好像不可能发生,并被告知不可能。 “使行为生麻烦”; (2)格林斯潘(Alan Greenspan):美联储必须采取更多措施来消除不可避免的出现恐慌的泡沫;在过去的25年中,美联储的政策一直是不对称的:它使机构摆脱了困境,但在经济繁荣时期却没有采取太多措施来抑制它们。 (3)扭曲的监管:允许新的机构在很少的监督下发展; (4)华尔街:其领导者做了“一项艰巨的工作-奖励笨拙的人,将资本转向生产效率最低的用途,并为错误承担责任”(rn)(5)对房屋所有权的痴迷:长达数十年的两党制政府为鼓励购房(通常是一件好事)而做出的努力,对疯狂的放贷行为视而不见,可悲地超过了这一点; (6)资金过多:贸易逆差的另一面是巨大的资本流入美国:中国的资本涌入使房地产泡沫膨胀; rn(7)理性市场的神话:“数十年来,公认的学术界对人们担心经济可能处于不可持续发展轨迹的回应是市场最了解”;(rn)8你我:我们成千上万的人相信我们可以承担我们无法偿还的债务,这是放贷人和银行间的误解。政治家。



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