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The romance of the follower: part 2


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to progress beyond Part 1, in which the research on followershiprnwas surveyed, showing it has significant practical importance in enhancing career and organizationalrnvalue. Part 2 aims to present a comprehensive framework to understand followership and clarify howrnand where followership is different (and the same) as leadership. It seeks to show how previous researchrnfits into this new framework, as well as highlighting gaps and opportunities. Part 3 aims to presentrnexamples of how this model can used as a training tool, in mentoring, for performance appraisals, andrnfor designing HR solutions.rnDesign/methodology/approach - The paper presents a new framework for followership, articulates itsrnfeatures, and puts it into the context of previous ideas about followership.rnFindings - There are real and important differences between leadership and followership. Somernattributes and characteristics are unique to good followers while others, such as intelligence arerngenerally applicable to all employees. Finally, followership can be understood as two separaterncompetencies: leader support and personal manageability, which refer to situation-specific and genericrnfollowership behaviours respectively.rnPractical implications - The three articles are of particular interest to senior executives and HRrndepartments.rnOriginality/value - This paper presents a new way of understanding followership, and of putting it into rnperspective with leadership. As such, the three articles are of particular interest to senior executives andrnHR departments.



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