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SPChain: Blockchain-based medical data sharing and privacy-preserving eHealth system


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The sharing of electronic medical records (EMRs) has great positive significance for research on disease and epidemic prevention. Recently, blockchain-based eHealth systems have achieved great success in terms of EMRs sharing and management, but there still remain some challenges. Permissioned blockchain-based solutions provide high throughput and scalability, but may suffer from rollback attacks and lead to privacy leakage. Designs based on the public blockchain, on the other hand, are more open and secure, but sacrifice scalability and have no incentives for medical institutions to join into the systems. Moreover, data retrieval in blockchain-based eHealth systems is inefficient because of the basic blockchain structure. To solve the above problems, we propose a blockchain-based medical data sharing and privacy-preserving eHealth system named SPChain. To achieve quick retrieval, we devise special keyblocks and microblocks for patients to store their EMRs. A reputation system is also constructed to motivate medical institutions to participate in SPChain. By using proxy re-encryption schemes, SPChain achieves medical data sharing for patients in a privacy-preserving manner. To evaluate SPChain, we leverage the distribution of miners in the real world to test the system's performance and ability to resist mentioned attacks. The results show that SPChain can achieve high throughput (220 TPS) with low storage overhead. Compared with the existing schemes, SPChain achieves lower time complexity in terms of data retrieving, and can resist proposed blockchain attacks as well as SPChain attacks.
机译:电子医疗记录(EMRS)的共享对疾病和防疫研究具有很大的积极意义。最近,基于区块链的电子健康系统在EMRS分享和管理方面取得了巨大的成功,但仍然存在一些挑战。基于板块的基于障碍的解决方案提供了高吞吐量和可扩展性,但可能会遭受回滚攻击并导致隐私泄漏。另一方面,基于公共区块链的设计更加开放和安全,但牺牲可扩展性,并且没有对医疗机构加入系统的激励。此外,由于基于基于区块的电子系统的数据检索是效率低,因为基本的区块链结构效率低。为了解决上述问题,我们提出了一个基于区块链的医疗数据共享和隐私保留电子保健系统名为Spchain。为了快速检索,我们为患者提供特殊的Keyblocks和MicroBlocks来存储EMR。他的声誉制度也被建造起来激励医疗机构参加SpChain。通过使用代理重新加密方案,SPCHAIN以隐私保存方式实现患者的医疗数据共享。为了评估SpChinain,我们利用现实世界中的矿工的分布来测试系统的性能和抵制提到的攻击的能力。结果表明,Spchain可以实现具有低存储开销的高吞吐量(220 TPS)。与现有方案相比,Spchain在数据检索方面实现了较低的时间复杂性,并且可以抵抗提出的区块链攻击以及普通攻击。



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