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Introducing the U.S. Intellectual Property Czar


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In late September, U.S. citizens were considering several pressing issues that would influence the country's future. Of course, the first issue was deliberating the presidential candidacies of Sens. Barack Obama, D-Ill., and John McCain, R-Ariz., and deciding who would become the country's 44th president. A second issue was the viability of the country's financial system in light of systemic difficulties in the credit markets and the immediate and long-term fiscal effect of a government bailout with a total cost of near $1 trillion. A third issue was the recovery effort in the nation's Gulf Coast region after Hurricane Ike, which focused on the hope that the recovery there would be managed better than the U.S. government's response to Hurricane Katrina and the devastation in and around New Orleans. All of these issues required congressional attention. But this dense docket did not stop Congress from granting the entertainment industry yet another sweetheart deal: Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (PRO-IP). The primary objective of PRO-IP (S. 3325) is to enlist and institutionalize the federal government's assistance in investigating, prosecuting, and punishing intellectual property (IP) infringement on behalf of U.S. companies with sales that chiefly come from material subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection. Of course, the legislation amends various provisions of the nation's patent, trademark, and copyright laws to provide stronger infringement penalties. Given the general imbalance (toward rights-holders) that IP legislation and policy have assumed over the past decade, such changes are not surprising.
机译:9月下旬,美国公民正在考虑几个会影响该国未来的紧迫问题。当然,第一个问题是审议参议员巴拉克·奥巴马和参议员约翰·麦凯恩的参议员候选人,并确定谁将成为美国第44任总统。第二个问题是,鉴于信贷市场的系统性困境以及政府总支出近1万亿美元的救助计划的即时和长期财政影响,该国金融体系的生存能力。第三个问题是继艾克飓风之后该国在墨西哥湾沿岸地区的恢复工作,该工作的重点是希望能比美国政府对卡特里娜飓风和新奥尔良及其周边地区的破坏所做出的反应更好地进行管理。所有这些问题都需要国会注意。但是,这个密集的清单并没有阻止国会批准娱乐业又一项甜心交易:优先考虑《 2008年资源和组织知识产权法》(PRO-IP)。 PRO-IP(S. 3325)的主要目标是争取联邦政府的协助,并使其制度化,以代表主要销售受版权保护的美国公司的美国公司调查,起诉和惩罚侵犯知识产权(IP)的行为,专利或商标保护。当然,该法律对国家专利,商标和版权法的各种规定进行了修改,以规定更严厉的侵权处罚。考虑到过去十年来知识产权立法和政策所假定的总体失衡(对权利人),这种变化不足为奇。



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