首页> 外文期刊>Kwartalnik Elektroniki i Telekomunikacji >A Multichannel Receiver of the Experimental FM Based Passive Radar Using Software Defined Radio Technology

A Multichannel Receiver of the Experimental FM Based Passive Radar Using Software Defined Radio Technology


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In this paper we present results of research on multichannel receiver using Software Defined Radio technology. This receiver is a part of the experimental FM based passive radar being designed. The hardware platform of the receiver consists of the Universal Software Defined Radio Peripheral devices. In the paper we propose modifications of the USRP's FPGA configuration and GNU Radio code. These modifications allow for developing six/nine synchronous input channel receiver based on two/tree USRPs respectively. Issues of synchronization of separate USRP devices by assuring synchronous sampling were presented. We also propose the solution of the problem of the alignment of the data streams being sent from USRP devices via USB to the PC host.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了使用软件定义无线电技术对多通道接收机进行研究的结果。该接收器是正在设计的基于FM的实验性无源雷达的一部分。接收器的硬件平台由通用软件定义的无线电外围设备组成。在本文中,我们建议对USRP的FPGA配置和GNU Radio代码进行修改。这些修改允许分别基于两个/树USRP开发六个/九个同步输入通道接收器。提出了通过确保同步采样来实现单独USRP设备同步的问题。我们还提出了解决方案,以解决从USRP设备通过USB发送到PC主机的数据流对齐问题。



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