首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer >Regularities of flow and heat transfer at the surface of transversely finned tubes

Regularities of flow and heat transfer at the surface of transversely finned tubes


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A great number of experimental investigations allowing one to reveal the physical mechanism of processes responsible for their thermal and hydraulic performance are carried out in attempt to solve problems of updating constructions and methods of thermal design of heating surfaces of transversely finned tubes widespread in power engineering. Results of flow visualization and investigation of pressure fields and local heat transfer at the fin surface over the Reynolds number range Re = (1.0....6.6) . 10~4 are presented for the case of a wide variation of geometric characteristics of finned tubes and parameters of their arrangement in a bundle. Regularities substantially changing the existing concept of transfer processes in the interfin space and in the wake behind a finned tube are revealed. It is found that the flow behavior and the distribution of local heat transfer coefficients over the fin surface change significantly at the fin height-to-finned tube diameter h/d approximately equal to 0.4. The results obtained are generalized in the form of the patterns of flow and heat transfer at the finned tube surface, including seven characteristic regions and four types of flow separation.
机译:为了解决动力工程中广泛使用的横向翅片管受热面的更新结构和热设计方法的问题,进行了大量实验研究,以揭示引起其热力和水力性能的过程的物理机理。流动可视化结果以及在雷诺数范围Re =(1.0 .... 6.6)上翅片表面的压力场和局部传热研究。对于翅片管的几何特性及其在束中的布置参数变化很大的情况,给出了图10〜4。揭示了规则性,该规则显着改变了翅片间空间和翅片管后面的转移过程的现有概念。发现在翅片高度-翅片管直径h / d大约等于0.4时,翅片表面上的流动行为和局部传热系数的分布发生显着变化。所得结果以翅片管表面的流动和传热模式的形式概括,包括七个特征区域和四种类型的流动分离。



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