首页> 外文期刊>International Journal on Hydropower & Dams >French symposium discusses large dams and sustainable development

French symposium discusses large dams and sustainable development


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Issues relating to dams and sustainable development were the main subject of a Symposium held on 18 November in Paris, organized by the Comite Francais des Grands Barrages (the French national committee of ICOLD), in conjunction with the French Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (MEDD). More than 140 participants attended, representing many groups interested in the theme (members of the CFGB, municipal representatives, environmental administration, road works, agriculture, industry, researchers, students, and others) as well as those involved in the design, construction and operation of dams. The speakers included researchers (for example Cemagref and INSA), and various organizations responsible for the construction and/or management of large dam management (EDF, river Agencies, the Compagnie Nationale du Rhone, and so on). The event provided an opportunity to reflect on today's knowledge and experience regarding social, economic and environmental aspects of large French dams, and to initiate a debate on future perspectives.
机译:与水坝和可持续发展有关的问题是11月18日在巴黎举行的研讨会的主要主题,该研讨会由法国工商业联合会全国委员会(ICOLD法国全国委员会)与法国生态与可持续发展部( MEDD)。超过140名参与者出席了会议,代表了许多对该主题感兴趣的团体(CFGB的成员,市政代表,环境管理,道路工程,农业,工业,研究人员,学生等)以及参与设计,建造和施工的人员。水坝的运作。演讲者包括研究人员(例如Cemagref和INSA)以及负责大型水坝管理的建设和/或管理的各种组织(EDF,河流机构,罗纳河国家公园等)。这次活动提供了一个机会,以反思当今有关大型法国水坝的社会,经济和环境方面的知识和经验,并引发有关未来观点的辩论。



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