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Humanitarian logistics performance in the light of gender


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Purpose - The aim of this article is to identify gaps in research and to set up a research agenda thatrninvestigates how gender attributes and different sets of skills contribute to logistics performance. Thernarticle focuses on humanitarian logistics and outlines the areas in which gender issues impact on therneffectiveness of the provision of aid following a disaster.rnDesign/methodology/approach - A topical literature review on gender, humanitarian logistics,rnand logistics performance is used to unearth existing gaps in research.rnFindings - Two main research gaps are of particular interest for humanitarian logistics in the lightrnof gender: sex segregation in logistics, and the relation between gender and logistics skills; and thernmitigation of gender disadvantages of beneficiaries. Here, a gendered access to aid can impactrnnegatively on aid effectiveness.rnOriginality/value - Literature is scant both on gender issues in logistics and on humanitarianrnlogistics. The paper contributes to both areas, while evaluating the impact of gender on logisticsrnperformance.
机译:目的-本文的目的是找出研究方面的差距并建立研究议程,以研究性别属性和不同技能集如何促进物流绩效。 Thernarticle侧重于人道主义后勤,并概述了性别问题影响灾难后提供援助的有效性的领域。rn设计/方法/方法-关于性别,人道主义后勤,rn和后勤绩效的专题文献综述被用于发现现有差距研究结果-轻型性别中的人道主义物流有两个主要的研究空白是特别令人感兴趣的:物流中的性别隔离,以及性别与物流技能之间的关系;消除受益人的性别劣势。在这里,按性别区分获得援助的方式可能会对援助效果产生负面影响。原创性/价值-在后勤方面的性别问题和人道主义后勤方面的文献很少。本文对这两个领域都做出了贡献,同时评估了性别对物流绩效的影响。



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