首页> 外文期刊>International journal of quality assurance in engineering and technology education >The Application of Flipped Classroom in Teaching University Students: A Case Study From Vietnam

The Application of Flipped Classroom in Teaching University Students: A Case Study From Vietnam


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Flipped classrooms have been extensively used by many educators all over the world and are being seen as an alternative to the traditional classroom-based teaching-learning practices. As for traditional classrooms, face-to-face learning has not brought the personalization of learning capacity, time, attitude, behavior and interests to learners and has not exposed them to experimental activities. The flipped classrooms, on the other hand, enable students to be flexible in their learning and offer more time to go through videos, lectures posted on the Internet, which helps students to acquire the lessons through online learning systems. Flipped classrooms help create environment for more interaction between learners and instructors/facilitators, especially by creating the face-to-face conversations more interactive. However, teaching using flipped classrooms requires adequate additional resources such as; the effective online learning systems, databases, appropriate learning contents and methods, plan, presentations (in various forms like PowerPoint, word, scrom, video, audio) and most importantly minimum technical knowledge for both learners and instructors to use varieties of tools. This paper presents the construction of an environment supporting students to take part in an online activity before and after face-to-face interaction and organization of experimental teaching with the process of learning in groups based on the model of flipped classrooms to facilitate active learning. The quantitative results at the end of the course showed that the flipped learning is highly preferred and useful pedagogical approach when compared to those traditional methods that fostered better learning attitude and behaviors.



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