首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of urban and regional research >BOGOTA'S LEFT TURN: Counter-Neoliberalization in Colombia

BOGOTA'S LEFT TURN: Counter-Neoliberalization in Colombia


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For the political left, decentralization has increased both the appeal and the importance of governing the city, and yet sharp constraints limit the left's transformative potential when it controls that level of government alone. Bogota is an important case in point under the recent mayoral administration of Gustavo Petro (2012-15), a demobilized guerrilla leader who sought to implement a series of urban policy reforms that together represent one of the most substantively radical and intellectually coherent attempts to challenge neoliberalism in all of Latin America. Focusing on the four policy arenas through which Petro hoped to transform the city (environment, housing, transport, and trash collection), the article documents the veto power of the firms whose privileges he threatened, as well as the tools through which they derailed reform. In contrast to the failure of his political economy agenda, Petro was indeed able to enact a number of progressive social policy reforms precisely because they did not threaten the profitability of the city's entrenched growth machine.
机译:对于政治左派来说,权力下放既增加了吸引力,也增强了治理城市的重要性,但严峻的限制条件限制了左派在仅控制政府级别时的变革潜力。波哥大是最近的市长政府古斯塔沃·彼得(Gustavo Petro)(2012-15)的一个重要案例,古斯塔沃·佩特(Gustavo Petro)是一名复员的游击队领导人,他试图实施一系列城市政策改革,这些改革共同构成了挑战的最实质性,最理性的尝试拉丁美洲所有地区的新自由主义。本文着眼于Petro希望通过其改变城市的四个政策领域(环境,住房,交通和垃圾收集),记录了他所威胁的特权的公司的否决权,以及使改革脱轨的工具。与政治经济学议程的失败形成鲜明对比的是,佩特罗确实能够实施一系列渐进式的社会政策改革,恰恰是因为这些改革并未威胁到这座城市根深蒂固的增长机器的盈利能力。



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