首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A, Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering >Dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls, naphthalenes and dibenzo-p-dioxins by magnesium/palladium bimetallic particles

Dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls, naphthalenes and dibenzo-p-dioxins by magnesium/palladium bimetallic particles


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The contamination of sediments with polychlorinated organics such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (Dioxins) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) remains a significant problem in many rivers, harbors, and estuarine areas in the US and around the world. In this work, rapid dechlorination of PCBs, PCNs, and Dioxins by palladium—coated magnesium (0.01% by weight Pd) has been demonstrated in pure solvent systems (10% methanol in distilled water). This reaction was investigated with the goal of developing it as a future sediment treatment method. More than 90% of the initial single PCB congeners BZ 3 and 170 were removed in 1 to 10 minutes and about 58% of the total initial Arochlor 1260 was removed in 4 minutes. The removal of single Dioxin and PCN congeners also occurred rapidly resulting in a 69 to 95% reduction in 30 minutes. Rapid removal of biphenyl, the expected degradation end product for PCBs, was also observed (80% removal in 5 minutes). Experiments conducted with Arochlor 1260 and biphenyl did not identify significant volatile fractions. A significant amount of PCBs were extracted from the filtered Mg/Pd material suggesting that PCBs first adsorb to the surface of the bimetal and then dechlorination occurs; lesser chlorinated congeners and biphenyl were also found adsorbed to the Mg/Pd material. Experiments conducted with single PCB congeners BZ 194 and 204 demonstrated the formation of lower—chlorinated PCB congeners, indicating that dechlorination was occurring. A stepwise dechlorination process was suggested in which chlorines in the ortho position were removed last.
机译:在美国和世界各地的许多河流,港口和河口地区,多氯有机物(例如多氯联苯(PCB),多氯二苯并对二恶英(Dioxins)和多氯萘(PCN))对沉积物的污染仍然是一个重大问题。 。在这项工作中,已证明在纯溶剂系统(蒸馏水中含10%的甲醇)中,钯包覆的镁(0.01%重量的Pd)可将PCBs,PCNs和二恶英快速脱氯。对该反应进行了研究,目的是将其发展为未来的沉淀物处理方法。在1至10分钟内去除了90%以上的初始单一PCB同系物BZ 3和170,在4分钟内去除了约58%的初始Arochlor 1260。单个二恶英和PCN同系物的去除也很快发生,导致30分钟内减少69%至95%。还观察到了联苯的快速降解,这是预期的多氯联苯降解最终产物,(在5分钟内去除了80%)。用Arochlor 1260和联苯进行的实验未发现明显的挥发分。从过滤后的Mg / Pd材料中提取了大量的PCB,这表明PCB首先吸附到双金属表面,然后发生脱氯;最后,脱氯开始。还发现较少的氯化同类物和联苯吸附在Mg / Pd材料上。使用单个PCB同类品BZ 194和204进行的实验表明,形成了氯化度较低的PCB同类品,表明发生了脱氯。建议采用逐步除氯工艺,其中最后除去邻位的氯。



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