首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Oleo Science >Two-step Emulsification Process for Water-in-Oil-in-Water Multiple Emulsions Stabilized by Lamellar Liquid Crystals

Two-step Emulsification Process for Water-in-Oil-in-Water Multiple Emulsions Stabilized by Lamellar Liquid Crystals


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Multiple emulsions, also called complex emulsions or multiphase emulsions, include water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W)-type and oil-in-water-in-oil (O/W/O)-type emulsions. W/OAV-type multiple emulsions, obtained by utilizing lamellar liquid crystal with a layer structure showing optical anisotropy at the periphery of emulsion droplets, are superior in stability to O/W/O-type emulsions. In this study, we investigated a two-step emulsification process for a W/O/W-type multiple emulsion utilizing liquid crystal emulsification. We found that a W/O/W-type multiple emulsion containing lamellar liquid crystal can be prepared by mixing a W/O-type emulsion (prepared by primary emulsification) with a lamellar liquid crystal obtained from poly(oxyethylene) stearyl ether, cetyl alcohol, and water, and by dispersing and emulsifying the mixture in an outer aqueous phase. When poly(oxyethylene) stearyl ether and cetyl alcohol are each used in a given amount and the amount of water added is varied from 0 to 15 g (total amount of emulsion, 100 g), a W/O/W-type multiple emulsion is efficiently prepared. When the W/O/W-type multiple emulsion was held in a thermostatic bath at 25℃, the droplet size distribution showed no change 0,30, or 60 days after preparation. Moreover, the W/O/W-type multiple emulsion strongly encapsulated Uranine in the inner aqueous phase as compared with emulsions prepared by one-step emulsification.
机译:多种乳液,也称为复合乳液或多相乳液,包括水包油型水(W / O / W)型和油包水包油型(O / W / O)型乳液。通过利用层状液晶在乳剂液滴的周围显示出光学各向异性的层状液晶而获得的W / OAV型多重乳剂的稳定性优于O / W / O型乳剂。在这项研究中,我们研究了利用液晶乳化的W / O / W型多重乳液的两步乳化过程。我们发现,通过将W / O型乳液(通过初乳化制得)与由聚(氧乙烯)硬脂基醚,鲸蜡基十六烷基得到的层状液晶混合,可以制备含有层状液晶的W / O / W型多重乳液。酒精和水,以及将混合物分散和乳化在外部水相中。当分别以给定量使用聚氧乙烯硬脂基醚和鲸蜡醇且水的添加量为0至15克(乳液总量为100克)时,W / O / W型多重乳液有效地准备。当将W / O / W型多重乳液置于25℃的恒温浴中时,液滴尺寸分布在制备后0,30或60天无变化。此外,与通过一步乳化制备的乳液相比,W / O / W型多重乳液将尿嘧啶牢固地包封在内部水相中。



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