首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Physical Oceanography >On the Mediterranean Water Composition

On the Mediterranean Water Composition


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The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) spills from the Mediterranean Sea (east North Atlantic basin) west off the Strait of Gibraltar. As MOW outflows, it entrains eastern North Atlantic Central Waters (ENACW) and Intermediate Waters to form the neutrally buoyant Mediterranean Water (MW) that can be traced over the entire North Atlantic basin. Its high salinity content influences the thermohaline properties of the intermediate-deep water column in the North Atlantic and its dynamics. Here, the composition of MW in its source region (the Gulf of Cadiz, west off Strait of Gibraltar) is investigated on the basis of an optimum multiparameter analysis. The results obtained indicate that mixing of MOW (34.1% +/- 0.3%) occurs mainly with overlying ENACW (57.1% +/- 0.8%) in a process broadly known as central water entrainment. A diluted form (80% of dilution) of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) reaches the region and also takes part in MW formation (8.3% +/- 0.5%). Finally, the underlying Labrador Sea Water (LSW) also contributes (0.4% +/- 0.1%) to the characteristics of MW. From these results and considering 0.74 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv equivalent to 10(6) m(3) s(-1)) as the mean outflow of MOW, the MW exportation rate was inferred (2.2 Sv), which, decomposing MW, means that the MOW outflow is accompanied by 1.24 Sv of entrained ENACW, 0.18 Sv of AAIW, and <0.01 Sv of LSW.
机译:地中海流出水(MOW)从直布罗陀海峡以西的地中海(北大西洋盆地东部)溢出。随着MOW的流出,它夹带了北大西洋中部东部水域(ENACW)和中间水域,形成了中性浮力的地中海水(MW),可以在整个北大西洋盆地中追踪到。它的高盐度含量影响北大西洋中深水柱的热盐特性及其动力学。在此,基于最佳多参数分析,研究了其源区(加的斯湾,直布罗陀海峡以西)的兆瓦组成。获得的结果表明,MOW(34.1%+/- 0.3%)的混合主要发生在上覆的ENACW(57.1%+/- 0.8%)的混合过程中,这一过程被称为中央引水。南极中间水(AAIW)的稀释形式(稀释度的80%)到达该区域,并且还参与了MW的形成(8.3%+/- 0.5%)。最后,潜在的拉布拉多海水(LSW)也有助于(0.4%+/- 0.1%)MW特性。从这些结果中,以0.74 Sverdrups(Sv; 1 Sv相当于10(6)m(3)s(-1))作为平均水汽流出量,可以推断出MW出口率(2.2 Sv),从而分解了MW表示MOW流出伴随着1.24 Sv的夹带ENACW,0.18 Sv的AAIW和<0.01 Sv的LSW。



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