首页> 外文期刊>Journal of product innovation management >The Ongoing Process of Building a Theory of Disruption

The Ongoing Process of Building a Theory of Disruption


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At its foundation, this article is a description of what my students and I observed about how communities of scholars can build bodies of understanding that cumulatively improve. We have offered in our model of the theory-building process a set of constructs, labeled with terms such as observation, categorization, association, anomaly, descriptive theory, and normative theory. Their purpose is to abstract up from the detail of thousands of research projects—to offer a general description of the way productive research processes work. Within this description of theory building, I also attempt to recount as a case-study illustration the process by which the theory of disruptive innovation has been built to date. It is quite apparent that this model has caused me to accept with gratitude some of the criticisms and suggestions authors of other articles in this issue have proferred and that it has caused me to dismiss, sometimes with impatient language, assertions that cannot plausibly lead to building better theory. Most importantly for the purposes of this issue, I hope this article shows that if a subsequent researcher uncovers an anomaly to a prior scholar's work, it represents triumph for both, because it will create the opportunity for them to improve the crispness of definitions, the salience of the categorization scheme, and the methods for measuring the phenomena and the outcomes of interest (Gilbert and Christensen, 2005). It will allow them to articulate better theory. When I have not accepted a criticism of one of these authors, it generally is because I have not been able to see a logical link to an anomaly; as such, it is impossible to tell whether they are offering a better theory. I would be honored to have them identify explicitly any anomalies the theory of disruption cannot yet account for and to suggest improvements, because I merely have hoped to set in place a solid enough foundation on which subsequent researchers can build.



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