首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Science Teacher Education >An Action Research Project on Preparing Teachers to Meet the Needs of Underserved Student Populations

An Action Research Project on Preparing Teachers to Meet the Needs of Underserved Student Populations


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The focus of this action research study was on the initial stage in reforming our teacher preparation programs. We designed, conducted, evaluated, and revised the components of our teacher preparation programs that were aimed at providing preservice teachers with the confidence and knowledge needed to meet the needs of youth populations underserved in science education. The conceptual framework of this study predicted that providing preservice teachers with experiences in teaching science to at-risk youth in a nonformal educational setting and that exploring these experiences in a seminar setting will increase the teachers’ confidence and knowledge in regard to teaching science to children from underserved populations. The community-based experience allowed for an experience in which 20 preservice teachers taught in a situation in which at-risk youth were the majority, thus spotlighting their needs in a manner traditionally not experienced by these prospective teachers. A two-phase methodological design (J. Creswell, 1994) was utilized to answer the questions: (a) Did the plan lead to the desired outcomes? and (b) What strategies fostered or hindered progress toward the desired outcomes? The findings of this study were utilized to develop our next action step in preparing teachers to foster science literacy for All Americans.
机译:这项行动研究的重点是在改革我们的教师准备课程的初期。我们设计,进行,评估和修订了教师预备课程的各个组成部分,旨在为职前教师提供所需的信心和知识,以满足在科学教育中服务不足的青年人口的需求。这项研究的概念框架预测,在非正规教育环境中为岗前教师提供对高危青年进行科学教学的经验,并在研讨会中探索这些经验将增加教师对儿童科学教学的信心和知识。来自服务水平低下的人群。以社区为基础的经验使20名职前教师在高风险青年占多数的情况下进行教学,从而以传统上这些准教师无法体验的方式突出了他们的需求。一个两阶段的方法设计(J. Creswell,1994)被用来回答以下问题:(a)该计划是否导致了预期的结果? (b)哪些战略促进或阻碍了取得预期成果的进展?这项研究的结果被用于制定我们的下一步行动,以准备教师培养全体美国人的科学素养。



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