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After the Generals: The Chaos Presidenq? in Midterm and the State of National Insecurity


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Since the onset of the Trump transition, it was clear that retired flag officers would play an important role in his administration, dictated not just by a need to compensate for a lack of government or military experience on the part of the incoming President - a first in US history - but also for a lack of national security talent among his supporters. This was largely due to the 'Never Trump' movement among the Republican elite. Moreover, defence was among his key campaign topics and rebuilding the military one of his election pledges. As a consequence, 'my generals' became a catchphrase and a reassuring reference for both concerned Americans and US allies. That is no longer the case. As the Trump administration enters the second half of its term amid a non-existent national emergency at the border and the longest federal government shutdown in history - affecting 800,000 employees, including national security departments of Homeland Security (US Coast Guard) and Justice (FBI) -all the generals are gone.



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