首页> 外文期刊>Nature >Generation of nuclear transfer-derived pluripotent ES cells from cloned Cdx2-deficient blastocysts

Generation of nuclear transfer-derived pluripotent ES cells from cloned Cdx2-deficient blastocysts


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The derivation of embryonic stem (ES) cells by nuclear transfer holds great promise for research and therapy but involves the destruction of cloned human blastocysts. Proof of principle experiments have shown that 'customized' ES cells derived by nuclear transfer (NT-ESCs) can be used to correct immunodeficiency in mice. Importantly, the feasibility of the approach has been demonstrated recently in humans, bringing the clinical application of NT- ESCs within reach. Altered nuclear transfer (ANT) has been proposed as a variation of nuclear transfer because it would create abnormal nuclear transfer blastocysts that are inherently unable to implant into the uterus but would be capable of generating customized ES cells. To assess the experimental validity of this concept we have used nuclear transfer to derive mouse blastocysts from donor fibroblasts that carried a short hairpin RNA construct targeting Cdx2. Cloned blastocysts were morphologically abnormal, lacked functional trophoblast and failed to implant into the uterus. However, they efficiently generated pluripotent embryonic stem cells when explanted into culture.
机译:通过核转移衍生胚胎干(ES)细胞具有广阔的研究和治疗前景,但涉及到克隆人胚泡的破坏。原理验证实验表明,通过核转移(NT-ESC)衍生的“定制” ES细胞可用于纠正小鼠的免疫缺陷。重要的是,该方法的可行性最近已在人类中得到证实,这使NT-ESC的临床应用触手可及。有人提出改变核移植(ANT)作为核移植的一种变体,因为它会产生异常的核移植胚泡,这些胚泡固有地无法植入子宫,但能够产生定制的ES细胞。为了评估此概念的实验有效性,我们使用核移植从供体成纤维细胞中获得了小鼠胚泡,这些成纤维细胞带有靶向Cdx2的短发夹RNA构建体。克隆的胚泡形态异常,缺乏滋养细胞功能,无法植入子宫。然而,当它们被植入培养物中时,它们有效地产生了多能胚胎干细胞。



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