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An asteroidal companion to the Earth


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Near-Earth asteroids range in size from a few metres to more than 30km: in addition to playing an important role in past and present impact rates on the Earth, they might one day be exploited as bases for space exploration or as mineral resources. Many near-Earth asteroids move on orbits crossing that of the Earth, but none has hitherto been identified as a dynamical companion to the Earth. Here we show that the orbit of asteroid 3753 (1986 TO), when viewed in the reference frame centred on the Sun but orbiting with the Earth, has a distinctive shape characteristic of 'horseshoe' orbits. Although horseshoe orbits are a well-known feature of the gravitational three-body problem, the only other examples of objects moving on such orbits are the saturnian satellites Janus and Epimetheus- and their behaviour is much less intricate than that of 3753. Moreover, the fact that 3753 exhibits such a dynamical relationship with the Earth shows that, although it is not a satellite of our planet per se, it is, apart from the Moon, the only known natural companion of the Earth.
机译:近地小行星的大小范围从几米到30公里以上:除了在过去和现在对地球的撞击率中发挥重要作用外,它们有一天可能被用作太空探索的基础或矿物资源。许多近地小行星在绕地球轨道运行,但迄今没有一个被确认为地球的动力伴侣。在这里,我们显示,小行星3753(1986 TO)的轨道在以太阳为中心但与地球一起轨道的参考系中观察时,具有“马蹄形”轨道的独特形状特征。尽管马蹄形轨道是引力三体问题的一个众所周知的特征,但在此类轨道上运动的物体的唯一其他例子是土星卫星Janus和Epimetheus,其行为比3753复杂得多。 3753与地球之间存在如此动态的关系这一事实表明,尽管它本身并不是我们星球的卫星,但除了月亮以外,它是地球上唯一已知的自然伴侣。



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