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Getting in the Way of a Big Ship Might Kill You: From Heart Disease or Lung Cancer


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The next time you visit your doctor, he or she may ask about more than your diet and exercise: how close you live to a major shipping lane may be on the list of questions. Pollution from marine shipping causes some 60,000 premature cardiopulmonary and lung cancer deaths, according to James Corbett of the University of Delaware, James Winebrake from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and colleagues, who published their results in the December 15, 2007, issue of the journal Environmental Science & Technology. For the first time, the findings put a number on annual deaths caused worldwide by pollution from marine vessels, and show that the coastal regions of Asia and Europe are the most affected.
机译:下次您去看医生时,他或她可能会问更多的问题,而不仅仅是饮食和运动:您与主要运输路线的距离有多远可能在问题清单上。特拉华大学的James Corbett,罗切斯特理工学院的James Winebrake及其同事表示,海上运输造成的污染导致约60,000例心肺和肺癌过早死亡,他们的研究结果于2007年12月15日出版。环境科学与技术杂志。该研究结果首次将全球范围内因船舶污染造成的每年死亡人数计算在内,并表明亚洲和欧洲沿海地区受到的影响最大。



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