首页> 外文期刊>Physical review >Entangled tetrahedron ground state and excitations of the magnetoelectric skyrmion material Cu_2OSeO_3

Entangled tetrahedron ground state and excitations of the magnetoelectric skyrmion material Cu_2OSeO_3


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The strongly correlated cuprate Cu_2OSeO_3 has been recently identified as the first insulating system exhibiting a skyrmion lattice phase. Using a microscopic multiboson theory for its magnetic ground state and excitations, we establish the presence of two distinct types of modes: a low-energy manifold that includes a gapless Goldstone mode and a set of weakly dispersive high-energy magnons. These spectral features are the most direct signatures of the fact that the essential magnetic building blocks of Cu_2OSeO_3 are not individual Cu spins, but rather weakly coupled Cu_4 tetrahedra. Several of the calculated excitation energies are in excellent agreement with terahertz electron spin resonance, Raman, and far-infrared experiments, while the magnetoelectric effect determined within the present quantum-mechanical framework is also fully consistent with experiments, giving strong evidence in the entangled Cu_4 tetrahedra picture of Cu_2OSeO_3. The predicted energy and momentum dependence of the dipole and quadrupole spin structure factors call for further experimental tests of this picture.



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