
Als Precursor Finally Shaken Into Fibrils


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There is now little doubt that the prime cause of the motor-neuron disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is related to misfolding and aggregation of the metalloenzyme Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1). Yet, SOD1 has turned out remarkably resistant to aggregation under physiological conditions in vitro. Pathologic mutant proteins that are destabilized to the extent that they fail to fold can still be stored at room temperature for long periods of time without notable signs of self-association. To produce SOD1 aggregates one has to resort to more radical measures, such as high temperature at low pH (1, 2), organic solvents (1), or oxidative cross-linking of the protein's solvent-accessible cysteines (3). Because these conditions are different from those in the cell the connection between SOD1 aggregation and ALS has remained elusive; after all, most if not all proteins contain sequences capable of nucleating aggregation (4) and can thus be forced to aggregate in vitro if the conditions are made sufficiently "persuasive." In this issue of PNAS, Valentine and collaborators (5) present a new interesting piece to the puzzle by showing that SOD1 can be made to aggregate under conditions that are physiologically relevant. The trick seems to be simply that the solution requires appropriate agitation. After a few hours of this treatment in an orbital shaker at 250 rpm, immature molecules of wild-type SOD1 nucleate into ordered fibrillar structures similar to those observed in classical amyloidoses such as Alzheimer's and Huntington's diseases. For nucleation to occur, however, the protein also needs to be demetallated and without its stabilizing disulfide bridge. Once the seeds are formed the process can recruit more stable SOD1 species for the fibril elongation. Similar results were published independently by Furukawa et al. (6) just a few months ago.
机译:现在,毫无疑问,运动神经元疾病肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS)的主要原因与金属酶Cu / Zn超氧化物歧化酶(SOD1)的错误折叠和聚集有关。然而,在体外生理条件下,SOD1表现出显着的抗聚集性。失活至无法折叠的程度的病理突变蛋白仍可在室温下长时间保存,而没有明显的自缔合迹象。要生产SOD1聚集体,必须采取更彻底的措施,例如在低pH值下高温(1、2),有机溶剂(1)或蛋白质溶剂可及的半胱氨酸的氧化交联(3)。由于这些条件与单元格中的条件不同,因此SOD1聚合与ALS之间的联系仍然难以捉摸。毕竟,大多数(如果不是全部)蛋白质都包含能够成核的序列(4),因此,如果条件足够“具有说服力”,则可以被迫在体外聚集。在本期PNAS中,Valentine和合作者(5)通过展示可以使SOD1在生理相关的条件下聚集而为难题提出了一个有趣的新话题。技巧似乎仅仅是解决方案需要适当的搅拌。在250 rpm的轨道振荡器上进行此处理几个小时后,野生型SOD1的未成熟分子成核,形成有序的纤维状结构,类似于经典淀粉样蛋白(如阿尔茨海默氏病和亨廷顿氏病)中观察到的结构。然而,为了使成核发生,该蛋白质还需要脱金属并且没有其稳定的二硫键。一旦种子形成,该过程可以募集更多稳定的SOD1物种用于原纤维伸长。 Furukawa等人独立发表了类似的结果。 (6)就在几个月前。



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