首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Structure and evolution of the Ivy protein family, unexpected lysozyme inhibitors in Gram-negative bacteria

Structure and evolution of the Ivy protein family, unexpected lysozyme inhibitors in Gram-negative bacteria


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Part of an ancestral bactericidal system, vertebrate C-type lysozyme targets the peptidoglycan moiety of bacterial cell walls. We report the crystal structure of a protein inhibitor of C-type lysozyme, the Escherkhia coli Ivy protein, alone and in complex with hen egg white lysozyme. Ivy exhibits a novel fold in which a protruding five-residue loop appears essential to its inhibitory effect. This feature guided the identification of Ivy orthologues in other Gram-negative bacteria. The structure of the evolutionary distant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ivy orthologue was also determined in complex with hen egg white lysozyme, and its antily-sozyme activity was confirmed. Ivy expression protects porous cell-wall E. coli mutants from the lytic effect of lysozyme, suggesting that it is a response against the permeabilizing effects of the innate vertebrate immune system. As such. Ivy acts as a virulence factor for a number of Gram-negative bacteria-infecting vertebrates.



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