首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America >Genomic data support the hominoid slowdown and an Early Oligocene estimate for the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence.

Genomic data support the hominoid slowdown and an Early Oligocene estimate for the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence.


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Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that hominoids (apes and humans) and cercopithecoids (Old World monkeys) diverged around 23-25 Mya. Importantly, although this range of dates has been used as both an initial assumption and as a confirmation of results in many molecular-clock analyses, it has not been critically assessed on its own merits. In this article we test the robusticity of the 23- to 25-Mya estimate with approximately 150,000 base pairs of orthologous DNA sequence data from two cercopithecoids and two hominoids by using quartet analysis. This method is an improvement over other estimates of the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence because it incorporates two calibration points, one each within cercopithecoids and hominoids, and tests for a statistically appropriate model of molecular evolution. Most comparisons reject rate constancy in favor of a model incorporating two rates of evolution, supporting the hominoid slowdown evolution, the hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence is estimated torange from 29.2 to 34.5 Mya, significantly older than most previous analyses. Hominoid-cercopithecoid divergence dates of 23-25 Mya fall outside of the confidence intervals estimated, suggesting that as much as one-third of ape evolution has not been paleontologically sampled. Identifying stem cercopithecoids or hominoids from this period will be difficult because derived features that define crown catarrhines need not be present in early members of these lineages. More sites that sample primate habitats from the Oligocene of Africa are needed to better understand early ape and Old World monkey evolution.
机译:几行间接证据表明,类人猿(猿和人)和类头猴类(旧大陆的猴子)在23-25 Mya处发散。重要的是,尽管在许多分子钟分析中都使用该日期范围作为初始假设和结果的确认,但尚未根据其优点进行严格的评估。在本文中,我们通过四重分析,使用来自两个长齿类动物和两个类人动物的直系同源DNA序列数据的大约150,000个碱基对,测试了23至25-Mya估计的稳健性。该方法是对类人猿-类鼻类动物散度的其他估计值的一种改进,因为它合并了两个校准点,每个校准点都位于类类鼻疮/类人鼻类动物中,并测试了统计学上合适的分子进化模型。大多数比较都拒绝速率恒定,而倾向于采用包含两个演化速率的模型,以支持类人动物减慢演化,类人动物-类胎盘类动物的散度估计在29.2至34.5 Mya之间,比大多数以前的分析要大得多。 23-25 Mya的类人猿-类天疱疮样异类发散日期不在估计的置信区间内,这表明没有从古生物学上采样到多达三分之一的猿类进化。在这一时期很难识别干的类胡萝卜素或类人猿,因为在这些谱系的早期成员中不必存在定义冠状卡他碱的衍生特征。需要更多的站点来采样非洲渐新世的灵长类动物栖息地,以更好地了解早期猿猴和旧世界猴的进化。



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