首页> 外文期刊>Professional Development in Education >S/he who pays the piper calls the tune? Professionalism, developmentalism, and the paucity of in-service education within the research profession

S/he who pays the piper calls the tune? Professionalism, developmentalism, and the paucity of in-service education within the research profession


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This paper focuses on the research-related, in-service professional development of social science academic researchers. It identifies as a gap in provision the paucity of provision of career-long training in the 'creative' elements of research practice—specifically the methodological skills that have the potential to enhance individuals' research capacity. It is observed that academic researching generally lacks the regulatory and quality control mechanisms to which many other professions are subject. This has led to continuing professional development being under-prioritised, as well as being largely determined by employers (mainly universities). Since these employers are primarily concerned with the benefits that research activity brings to institutional status, prestige and reputation, and, connected to this, income generation, the continuing professional development they provide and promote is directed towards achieving these benefits, which—for the most part—are achievable irrespective of researchers' development levels in relation to the 'creative' elements of research practice. Development of these elements therefore remains under-prioritised.



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