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A Guide to EU Renewable Energy Policy: Comparing Europeanization and Domestic Policy Change in EU Member States


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The process of Europeanisation has been widely studied, mostly informally by the public and politicians, but there is also an academic study of the process. The focus of this study is how the EU gets its policies into member states. For the non-academics, much of this has been to show how good or bad the EU is. For the academics, it has provided a simple model mat can be compared to show in which areas the EU is more, or less, successful. The editors and contributors to this book have looked at a model with three dimensions of influence: top down - EU to members; bottom up - members to EU; and horizontal - member to members. They have chosen to do this in the area of renewable energy policy. This area has three main topics; renewable energy for electricity, renewable energy for transport and the production of alternative fuels. The range of participants in the discussion is wide; commission, national governments, local governments in nation states, industry, NGOs (both local and wide reaching), etc. With the implications of energy policy for greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, world trade, etc., the discussion cannot be just European. The member states are coming from different positions influenced by the presence of traditional fossil fuel stocks, available hydropower, surplus agricultural land, attitude to nuclear power (cost, clean-up and security or potential misuse) and ongoing trade with other countries.



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