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An Illustrated Dictionary of the Third Reich


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There have been several previous dictionaries or encyclopedias of the Third Reich, for example Dictionary of the Third Reich (Taylor and Shaw, 1987), but many of these are out of print by now, while their subject continues to be of great interest to students and to general readers, so the publication of a new one, stated to be for both categories, may be justified. It includes the impressive total of 1,650 entries, but this total is achieved at the expense of brevity in each one: the average length would be only about one hundred words, many are as short as ten, whereas the longest, at a quite exceptional one thousand words, is appropriately devoted to the Nazi Party itself. They cover a wide variety of topics: organizations, events, ideas, personalities, slogans, uniforms, weapons and many others. The information provided, though necessarily concise, appears reliable on the whole, with the exception of a few lapses (for instance, the illustration said to show a minesweeper actually depicts a torpedo boat) and, as so often nowadays, proof-reading is not what it should be, especially as the author prefers to use German-language headings wherever appropriate (but with cross-references to the English equivalent). In the article on Gypsies, or Roma, the omission of a vital comma makes him appear to state the opposite of what he means.



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