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Encyclopedia of Race and Racism


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The human race is remarkably homogeneous; far more so, in fact, than most mammalian species. Genetic evidence suggests that Homo sapiens was a very late offshoot from the other great ape lines. Assuming, as seems most probable, a single point of origin, it is clear that small, and therefore inbred, groups of humans separated from each other at a sufficiently early stage for different races to appear. Skin colour is the most immediately noticeable of these differences, but there are also differences in physique, susceptibility to certain diseases, and (a thorny topic) some evidence of differences in intellectual abilities. Most social animals are intensely suspicious of outsiders. Introducing new sheep or cattle to a herd is relatively easy, but getting a troop of baboons or lions to accept a stranger is extremely difficult. Humans are, however, unique among animals in using skin colour as a basis for prejudice. There is no evidence that particular breeds of dogs or cats have any prejudice at all against mating with others.



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