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Investigating Turkish Primary School Students’ Interest in Science by Using Their Self-Generated Questions


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This paper reports on an attempt to investigate Turkish primary school students’ interest in science by using their self-generated questions. We investigated students’ interest in science by analyzing 1704 self-generated science-related questions. Among them, 826 questions were submitted to a popular science magazine called Science and Children. Such a self-selected sample may represent a group of students who have a higher level of motivation to seek sources of information outside their formal education and have more access to resources than the students of low social classes. To overcome this problem, 739 students were asked to write a question that they wanted to learn from a scientist and as a result 878 questions were gathered. Those students were selected from 13 different schools at 9 cities in Turkey. These schools were selected to represent a mixture of socioeconomic areas and also to cover different students’ profile. Students’ questions were classified into two main categories: the field of interest and the cognitive level of the question. The results point to the popularity of biology, astrophysics, nature of scientific inquiry, technology and physics over other science areas, as well as indicating a difference in interest according to gender, grade level and the setting in which the questions were asked. However, our study suggests that only considering questions submitted to informal learning environments, such as popular science magazines or Ask-A-Scientist Internet sites has limitations and deficiencies. Other methodologies of data collection also need to be considered in designing teaching and school science curriculum to meet students’ needs and interest. The findings from our study tend to challenge existing thinking from other studies. Our results show that self-generated questions asked in an informal and a formal setting have different patterns. Some aspects of students’ self-generated questions and their implications for policy, science curriculum reform and teaching are discussed in this paper.
机译:本文报道了一项尝试通过使用他们自己产生的问题来调查土耳其小学生对科学的兴趣的尝试。我们通过分析1704个自发的与科学相关的问题,调查了学生对科学的兴趣。其中,有826个问题提交给了《科学与儿童》杂志。这样一个自我选择的样本可能代表一群学生,他们的动机比他们的低社会阶层的学生有更高的动机去寻求正规教育之外的信息资源,并且有更多的资源获取途径。为了克服这个问题,要求739名学生写一个他们想向科学家学习的问题,结果收集了878个问题。这些学生来自土耳其9个城市的13所不同学校。选择这些学校代表的是社会经济领域的混合物,也涵盖了不同学生的个人资料。学生的问题分为两大类:兴趣领域和问题的认知水平。结果表明生物学,天体物理学,科学探究的性质,技术和物理学相对于其他科学领域的普及,并表明了根据性别,年级和所提出问题的兴趣不同。但是,我们的研究表明,仅考虑提交给非正式学习环境的问题(例如,科普杂志或Ask-A-Scientist Internet网站)具有局限性和不足之处。在设计教学和学校科学课程时,还需要考虑其他数据收集方法,以满足学生的需求和兴趣。我们研究的发现倾向于挑战其他研究的现有思维。我们的结果表明,在非正式和正式环境中提出的自我产生的问题具有不同的模式。本文讨论了学生自发问题的某些方面及其对政策,科学课程改革和教学的意义。



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