首页> 外文期刊>Science, Technology and Human Values >(Re)Producing Cyborgs: Biomedicalizing Abortion through the Congressional Debate over Fetal Pain

(Re)Producing Cyborgs: Biomedicalizing Abortion through the Congressional Debate over Fetal Pain


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The scientific and political debate over whether a fetus can experience pain highlights a vital and controversial boundary for governance-the boundary of human life. I use the 2012 and 2013 US federal debates over twenty-week abortion bans (also known as fetal pain laws) to investigate how personhood is constructed in a society transformed by biomedical science and technology in the United States. Although those who support and oppose the bill take different stances on abortion regulation, each relies on biomedical knowledge and risk assessment to substantiate claims. Through content analysis of congressional documents, I find that members of Congress strategically draw on biomedical discourse to manage the boundaries of bodies and construct a universal "at-risk" political subject in need of governmental protection. These findings bring scholarly debates about personhood into the era of biomedicalization by emphasizing the latent process of creating a hybridized subjectivity that I call cybernetic personhood.



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