首页> 外文期刊>Souls >Nuclear Imperialism and the Pan-African Struggle for Peace and Freedom: Ghana, 1959-1962

Nuclear Imperialism and the Pan-African Struggle for Peace and Freedom: Ghana, 1959-1962


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What is often missing from historical reflections on Pan-Africanism, African nationalism, and movements for independence is the relationship between struggles for the liberation of the continent from colonial rule and pacifist movements in opposition to nuclear armament. This article reconstructs the struggle against “nuclear imperialism” that emerged out of the Pan-African struggle for freedom in the late 1950s and early 1960s through the important work of radical pacifists Bayard Rustin and Bill Sutherland. Based upon a broad range of sources—published and archival—it revisits the dramatic attempt by peace activists to travel from newly independent Ghana to a site in the Sahara desert where the French intended to test their atomic bomb. The movement against nuclear imperialism that took root in the Pan-African freedom struggle not only showcases the “global” and the “transnational” in ways that need to be recovered, but stands as a counter-narrative, a corrective, to the afro-pessimism that has so dominated scholarship on Africa since the 1980s.
机译:关于泛非主义,非洲民族主义和争取独立运动的历史反思经常缺少的是,争取大陆摆脱殖民统治的斗争与反对核武器的和平运动之间的关系。本文通过激进的和平主义者Bayard Rustin和Bill Sutherland的重要工作,重构了在1950年代末和1960年代初泛非洲争取自由的斗争中出现的反对“核帝国主义”的斗争。它以广泛的资料来源(已发表和存档的资料)为基础,重新审视了和平活动家从新独立的加纳到撒哈拉大沙漠的地点进行的戏剧性尝试,法国人打算在那里测试其原子弹。泛非自由斗争中扎根的反核帝国主义运动不仅以需要恢复的方式展示了“全球”和“跨国”,而且是对非洲黑人的反叙述,矫正。自1980年代以来,悲观主义一直主导着非洲的学术研究。



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